Why Can’t Hotels Keep Up With Technology?

Mobile check-ins, virtual concierges, and digital room keys are just a few of the emerging tech trends we see in hospitality. Unfortunately, many of these advancements in technology are clogging up already taxed Internet connections. Hotels built in 2010 and earlier are already out-of-date; the infrastructures simply weren’t built for the heavy use of bandwidth we see today. Many hotel networks can barely handle the amount of users that login for work and emails.

A recent article, published by Big Hospitality, states that “the majority of hoteliers believe that investing in the latest technology, such as remote check-in and in-room ordering systems, will help boost their business, yet few say they have the budget to do so.”

While some hotels are held back by lack of funds and budgetary restrictions, the same article reveals a large portion of managers don’t invest in more efficient technologies because of a common fear: change. Managers noted that upgrades would likely lead to staff redundancies and layoffs and were also deterred by the stress (i.e. breaking contracts or not knowing where to begin).

In the long run, operating with older technology means loss of business and spending more time on excess administration, while investments in technology mean driving down costs and enhancing the guest experience at your hotel.

Adapted from this original article.

How does technology enhance your guests’ experience?