Reliable Guest Internet Access is Essential

If you’re a business traveler, you know how important it is to stay connected – both for personal and business reasons. You also know how frustrating it is when your connection is lousy and/or slow.
According to research done by InterContinental Hotels Group® (IHG) poor Internet connection was one of the most stressful factors for travelers.
"Just hearing a voice on a telephone is no longer sufficient for the 21st century traveller, we need the comfort of being able to see loved ones too,” says Richard Solomons, IHG Chief Executive.
This research assisted IHG in their decision to offer IHG Rewards Club® members free Internet access. IHG is often seen as one of the leaders in the movement towards Wi-Fi access as a commodity. Several more hotels have followed suit since to better serve their guests’ experience. Read more about the findings here.