Cast Your Vote for the Best Wi-Fi Login Method
Lisa Hattery
1 min read
Happy Election Day! Americans: we urge you to make sure you make your voice is heard: find your closest polling place here.
In the spirit of democracy, we'd like to poll our readers on their preferred method to login to a public Wi-Fi network. There are numerous ways to login, or authenticate, guests onto a network at hotels, retail stores, and other venues. We call that the Authentication Spectrum. From a user perspective, the primary ways to login are:
- Access code: obtain a password or code from onsite staff and enter each time you login
- Short form: use predetermined credentials to login, like last name and room number at a hotel
- Email: exchange your email address in return for free or enhanced Wi-Fi service
- Social login: use an existing social profile to gain access, i.e. Facebook or Twitter
- Automatic: just login once and then be automatically remembered every time you return
Take the Poll and Subscribe
Take the 5-second poll below then subscribe to our blog to get the results of the poll in our next post, which will feature an infographic about the Authentication Spectrum with more details on how each method works and the benefits and challenges of each.