Turning Trends into Opportunities

Recently published survey results about lodging tech trends done by Hotel Interactive reveal some great opportunities for hoteliers. We drilled down the data to summarize what you should be focusing on as far as new technology in your hotel:

· Leveraging technology to lower operational costs

· Providing better guest-focused technology

· Getting more technology in guest rooms

· Using technology to create more personalized guest experiences

· Offering more technology driven entertainment options

· Finding mobile technology for more personalized property experiences

· Adopting informational apps for activities within the hotel

· Gaining more technology for attracting meeting planners

As Hotel Interactive points out, the hospitality industry is historically slow to react to trends, and we want to start changing that. There are countless opportunities to grow profits and increase guest satisfaction with hotel technology, the trick is to choose just one or two trends and adapt quickly.

What hospitality technology are you coveting most? Why?